AD Organization Chart

Our Mission is to:
- Maintain and develop accelerator technology to serve SLAC's mission and the DOE complex
- Operate the existing accelerators at SLAC and provide an outstanding level of performance
- Improve the capability of existing accelerators and support the construction of new ones
- Develop enabling technologies for existing and future accelerators
- Educate the next generation of accelerator scientists and engineers
John Schmerge

Mei Bai

Lydia Young

John Seeman

Roger Erickson

Amy Ecclesine

Jobs & Study Opportunities
The SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory (SLAC) was founded in 1962 and was originally known as the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center. A brief summary of the research mission can be found on the SLAC Research website. A unique arrangement at SLAC is that it is not only a national laboratory but also a school in the academic system of Stanford University with the SLAC director being the dean of the SLAC school. SLAC faculty members in the Particle Physics and Astrophysics faculty and the Photon Science faculty formally supervise Ph.D graduate students with student enrollment through the Stanford Physics Department and Applied Physics Department.
The study of accelerator physics at SLAC allows students to engage in hands-on science using the extensive resources of a major national laboratory. Students can develop and explore new accelerator concepts, study beam theory and simulations, design and conduct experiments to fully understand the critical physics. This web page contains information about the accelerator physics study programs and employment opportunities at the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory.