Particle Beam Collider Work at SLAC
History: SLAC and Stanford have had a very long history of designing, building, and operating electron-positron colliders leading to several Nobel Prizes:
- CBX [0.13 GeV x 0.13 GeV two ring collider at Stanford 1963-1967]
- SPEAR [2.5 GeV x 2.5 GeV one ring collider at SLAC 1972-1988]
- PEP [15 GeV x 15 GeV one ring collider at SLAC 1980-1988]
- SLC [49 GeV x 49 GeV linear collider at SLAC 1989-1998]
- PEP-II [3.1 GeV x 9.0 GeV two ring collider at SLAC 1998-2008]
Present research into particle beam colliders includes the following active topics:
- e+e-, e-p, pp, hh collider designs
- Interaction region design
- Accelerator-detector backgrounds
- High Order Mode (HOM) generation, mitigation, and heat removal
- Ampere level beam generation and RF power
- Single beam instabilities
- Multi-bunch beam instabilities
- High power collimators
- Bunch-by-bunch feedback
- High power fast bunch feedback kickers
- Injection systems
- Beam-beam effect