Accelerator Operations & Safety
AOSD is comprised of a team of accelerator operators and engineers who deliver beams of electrons and x-rays to a wide range of scientific users 24 hours a day. AOSD also coordinates maintenance and oversight of safety systems to ensure that the accelerator programs are carried out safely and effectively.
Division Director: Peter Schuh

Accelerator Research
ARD develops cutting-edge accelerator science and technology for diverse scientific, medical, and industrial applications, while supporting critical programs and educating the next generation of accelerator physicists. Four departments drive our mission: Beam Physics, Free Electron Lasers, Machine Learning, and Special Projects (LCLS-II, UED, and Superconducting Undulator)
Division Director: Zhirong Huang

The Cryogenics Division designs, builds, commissions, and operates cryogenic equipment for SLAC and the DOE complex.
Division Director: Eric Fauve

Electronics Engineering
EED designs, builds, and maintains hardware and software to monitor and control the accelerators.
Division Director: Joseph Delong

FACET & Test Facilities
The FACET & Test Facilities Division is creating the science and technology for the next generation of accelerators for research, medicine, and industrial applications. With extraordinarily intense high-energy electron beams, FACET-II creates entirely new scientific opportunities, from improving x-ray lasers and other light sources to opening new avenues in high energy physics, materials, biological, and energy science.
Division Director: Mark Hogan

Linac & FEL
The Linac & FEL Division provides the vision, management, and oversight to deliver world class operational performance in support of basic energy science and high energy physics programs, and to develop devices and techniques to extend the scientific reach of these programs.
Division Director: Axel Brachmann

Mechanical Engineering & Technical Support
METSD designs, builds, installs, and maintains SLAC's accelerator facilities and science projects. METSD provides mechanical engineering, ultrahigh vacuum, metrology, and manufacturing expertise for complex accelerator systems.
Divison Director: Robert Coy

System Safety Engineering
SSED designs, builds, installs, and maintains engineered safety systems which are essential for safe and effective operation of SLAC's accelerator facilities. Using state of the art technology, SSED implements and certifies systems to meet rigorous standards for safety and reliability.
Division Director: Ed Chin